All kids misbehave some times, but behavior disorders go beyond mischief and rebellion. With behavior disorders, your child or teen has a pattern of hostile, aggressive or disruptive behaviors for more than 6 months. Saginaw Psychological Services offers comprehensive evaluation and treatment.    Family and peer relationships are emphasized through individual and group therapy. Educational consultation and advocacy is provided when required.
If you see signs of a problem, ask for help. Poor choices can become habits. Kids who have behavior problems are at higher risk for school failure, mental health problems and even suicide. Classes or family therapy may help parents learn to set and enforce limits.

Consultation with the school and advocacy is provided when required.


Warning signs can include

  • Harming or threatening themselves, other people or pets

  • Damaging or destroying property

  • Lying or stealing

  • Not doing well in school, skipping school

  • Early smoking, drinking or drug use

  • Early sexual activity

  • Frequent tantrums and arguments

  • Consistent hostility towards authority figures

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2100 Hemmeter Road
Saginaw, MI 48603

Phone (989) 799-2100
Fax (989) 799-2637

Business Hours:

Telehealth Services Available


615 S. Euclid
Bay City, MI 48706

Phone (989) 439-1513
Fax (989) 439-1512

Business Hours:

Telehealth Services Available


1000 N. Johnson
Bay City, MI 48708

Phone (989) 401-4915
Fax (989) 778-3317

Business Hours:
Monday, Wedneaday, & Thursday: 8am-5pm

Telehealth Services Available


5914 Eastman Avenue
Midland, MI 48640

Phone (989) 799-2100

Business Hours:
By Appointment

Telehealth Services Available